Who We Are

Who We Are

Why Choose Jump Creative?

We Are Creative Problem Solvers. Experienced, Motivated & Flexible.

If you own or operate a business, and have a need for marketing expertise, you may want to give us a call. We will listen and learn about your goals, offer advice, recommendations and solutions.

It’s About Experience and Versatility

Partners Chad Arentz and Matt Beekman have a combined 60+ years of experience creating impactful, award-winning marketing campaigns and materials in a variety of industries and media formats. They both emerged early in their careers as leaders in the television industry as designers, art directors and creative directors. Then reinvented themselves and their careers in design agencies and the motion picture industry. As new technologies emerged, so did they — as digital design and marketing directors for corporations.

Never fearing the new or clinging to the old, they adapted and became a force at each new turn… website design & development, application GUI design, mobile apps, email marketing, social media marketing - always applying their creative vision and technical aptitude as new marketing trends emerge.

When Atoms Collide…

Chad’s and Matt’s paths collided in 1995 at WYOU-TV in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Together, they elevated the promotion & marketing at WYOU, and raised the ratings considerably over a one year period. Eleven years and many collaborations later, an opportunity to start a new venture came about and Jump Motion Design was born, with a focus on motion graphics for television. In 2019, "Jump Motion Design" evolved into "Jump Creative" - offering a broader, yet more diverse set of creative solutions to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses.

1995 was an eventful year in the partners' personal lives. Besides becoming close friends, their wives each gave birth to baby boys. Matt and Chad were also emerging nationally as aspiring TV creatives – they were even nominated for Emmys that year. 

Chad Arentz

Chad Arentz

Partner, Creative Director

Expertise: Website Design, Print Design, Marketing, Brand Development, Motion Graphics, Writing

Chad's Bio

1989: Chad was recruited into the advertising field while still in design school. After graduation, and a year of ad design, WPMT-TV, a FOX affiliate in York Pennsylvania stole him away to design sets, print ads, and on-air graphics. From that point the hook was in. Chad began to plot a course for a bright future in the television field, by training himself in most aspects of TV production and promotion. Starting as a graphic designer, he quickly ascended to Art Director at FOX43, then to Promotion Director of WYOU in Scranton (where he met Matt Beekman). Next, Creative Director of RNN, a regional news network in New York. It was a wild nine years that earned him numerous awards, and brought lots of priceless experiences.

1998: Chad moved back to Central PA. As Director of Broadcast Design, he helped position Cinemagic as a national leader in the field, creating news graphics packages and visual brands for over 30 television stations in markets all over the U.S. and abroad. Also at Cinemagic, he produced numerous TV commercials, interactive DVD interfaces for MTV, VH1, Sports Illustrated and motion user interface graphics for the NFL Network and Gotuit Video On Demand.

2006: Chad asked Matt Beekman to partner up and create a premiere Motion Design studio. They chose the name "Jump Motion Design", secured a domain, and got started with two locations - Matt in Scranton, and Chad in Harrisburg. Since, they've built a powerful design studio serving clients in the U.S. and Europe.

2013: Chad increased his focus on Website Design, Brand Development and Marketing, and has been helping clients establish brand awareness and increased engagement with their own customers.

2019: With the company offering a much broader variety of digital creative services, the partners renamed the company "Jump Creative".

Matt Beekman

Matt Beekman

Partner, Art Director

Expertise: Motion Graphics, 3D Modeling & Animation, Digital Media GUI, Video Editing

Matt's Bio

Matt Beekman has been into graphic design since junior high. He furthered his interest in art throughout high school at West Scranton, and then obtained a B.F.A. from Wilkes University in 1989. Back in the 80’s computer graphics were still in their infancy, so he learned much of the traditional old ways of designing before landing a job at WYOU-TV 22, a local CBS affiliate. Computer graphics were now starting to become mainstream and he was lucky enough to learn new technologies as soon as they became available, including 3D animation.

From there, he changed gears and went into a new line of entertainment…interactive media, specifically DVD. Again, a new technology brought about new things to learn and he immediately became immersed in designing interactive DVD menus for some of the largest studios in Hollywood.
Another change of careers came about when he accepted a position in the print industry. Here he learned the ways of printing on paper, which was a completely different animal from the days of video graphics. But, he also introduced 3D visualization to the company, which became an extremely useful selling tool. On top of that he also accepted a teaching position at his alma mater, Wilkes University, instructing 3D animation.

The video graphics drew him back in, though. He is back at interactive media and not just DVD. Now, it’s grown to designing for iTunes, Blu-ray and UHD menus. But wait, there’s more! He also now runs a successful cycling jersey website specializing in custom designs for cyclists all over the country.
And, of course, Jump Creative has been a large part of a very successful freelance career since 2006. 

Matt's knowledge in multimedia, video, print and 3D animation gives Matt a lot of ammunition to provide our clients with killer designs!

Chad's Bio

1989: Chad was recruited into the advertising field while still in design school. After graduation, and a year of ad design, WPMT-TV, a FOX affiliate in York Pennsylvania stole him away to design sets, print ads, and on-air graphics. From that point the hook was in. Chad began to plot a course for a bright future in the television field, by training himself in most aspects of TV production and promotion. Starting as a graphic designer, he quickly ascended to Art Director at FOX43, then to Promotion Director of WYOU in Scranton (where he met Matt Beekman). Next, Creative Director of RNN, a regional news network in New York. It was a wild nine years that earned him numerous awards, and brought lots of priceless experiences.

1998: Chad moved back to Central PA. As Director of Broadcast Design, he helped position Cinemagic as a national leader in the field, creating news graphics packages and visual brands for over 30 television stations in markets all over the U.S. and abroad. Also at Cinemagic, he produced numerous TV commercials, interactive DVD interfaces for MTV, VH1, Sports Illustrated and motion user interface graphics for the NFL Network and Gotuit Video On Demand.

2006: Chad asked Matt Beekman to partner up and create a premiere Motion Design studio. They chose the name "Jump Motion Design", secured a domain, and got started with two locations - Matt in Scranton, and Chad in Harrisburg. Since, they've built a powerful design studio.

2013: Chad increased his focus on Website Design, Brand Development and Marketing, and has been helping clients establish brand awareness and increased engagement with their own customers.

2019: With the company offering a much broader variety of digital creative services, the partners renamed the company "Jump Creative".

Matt's Bio

Matt Beekman has been into graphic design since junior high. He furthered his interest in art throughout high school at West Scranton, and then obtained a B.F.A. from Wilkes University in 1989. Back in the 80’s computer graphics were still in their infancy, so he learned much of the traditional old ways of designing before landing a job at WYOU-TV 22, a local CBS affiliate. Computer graphics were now starting to become mainstream and he was lucky enough to learn new technologies as soon as they became available, including 3D animation.

From there, he changed gears and went into a new line of entertainment…interactive media, specifically DVD. Again, a new technology brought about new things to learn and he immediately became immersed in designing interactive DVD menus for some of the largest studios in Hollywood.
Another change of careers came about when he accepted a position in the print industry. Here he learned the ways of printing on paper, which was a completely different animal from the days of video graphics. But, he also introduced 3D visualization to the company, which became an extremely useful selling tool. On top of that he also accepted a teaching position at his alma mater, Wilkes University, instructing 3D animation.

The video graphics drew him back in, though. He is back at interactive media and not just DVD. Now, it’s grown to designing for iTunes, Blu-ray and UHD menus. But wait, there’s more! He also now runs a successful cycling jersey website specializing in custom designs for cyclists all over the country.
And, of course, Jump Creative has been a large part of a very successful freelance career since 2006.

Matt's knowledge in multimedia, video, print and 3D animation gives Matt a lot of ammunition to provide our clients with killer designs!

Tammy Vasbinder

Tammy Vasbinder

Director of New Business Development

Expertise: Identifying and developing customer relationships, and strategic marketing

Tammy's Bio

Tammy Vasbinder is the owner of Vast Strategies, and through our partnership with Vast Strategies, represesents Jump Creative our Director of New Business Development. Tammy specializes in identifying and developing customer relationships, strategic marketing, planning and execution.

Her prior work experience spans nearly 20 years and includes sales and buyer positions in printing, radio, and wholesale grocery industries. Tammy was featured in a national publication called “Radio Ink” in October 2007 as one of the top 10 radio reps in the country.

Tammy’s strengths are her drive for results, personal interaction, and networking. Clients like working with Tammy because she’s creative, honest, and passionate about helping them achieve their goals.

Tammy is a Harrisburg native who has strong ties to her family and friends. She lives in Boiling Springs, Pa with her husband, two sons and her dog. In her spare time, she enjoys acting, playing basketball, softball and imparting the occasional rap wisdom  upon her friends.

Sheri Pettoni

Sheri Pettoni

Director of Strategic Marketing

Expertise: Business development, marketing strategy, business consulting

Sheri's Business Profile

At its core, Inneract is a marketing and business development consultancy and advisory. We provide full marketing management and business development support. We are extremely growth focused. We only work with companies who are willing to focus on strategy first – because we’ve learned hard lessons about jumping into marketing projects without first understanding the pulse of the company, its people, and its customers – or its vision, goals and value. Without a clear upfront strategy, results are inconsistent, fragmented and loosely aligned – creating frustration and unmet expectations for everyone involved.

So, we always start with strategy and then move into action by developing marketing plans, implementing the plan, and driving growth through business development. We don’t believe in templates or cookie cutter marketing programs. We think your business is worth more than a column width of options. Our work is custom, thoughtful, deliberate and sustainable!

Tammy's Bio

Tammy Vasbinder is the owner of Vast Strategies, and through our partnership with Vast Strategies, represesents Jump Creative our Director of New Business Development. Tammy specializes in identifying and developing customer relationships, strategic marketing, planning and execution.

Her prior work experience spans nearly 20 years and includes sales and buyer positions in printing, radio, and wholesale grocery industries. Tammy was featured in a national publication called “Radio Ink” in October 2007 as one of the top 10 radio reps in the country.

Tammy’s strengths are her drive for results, personal interaction, and networking. Clients like working with Tammy because she’s creative, honest, and passionate about helping them achieve their goals.

Tammy is a Harrisburg native who has strong ties to her family and friends. She lives in Boiling Springs, Pa with her husband, two sons and her dog. In her spare time, she enjoys acting, playing basketball, softball and imparting the occasional rap wisdom  upon her friends.

Sheri's Business Profile

At its core, Inneract is a marketing and business development consultancy and advisory. We provide full marketing management and business development support. We are extremely growth focused. We only work with companies who are willing to focus on strategy first – because we’ve learned hard lessons about jumping into marketing projects without first understanding the pulse of the company, its people, and its customers – or its vision, goals and value. Without a clear upfront strategy, results are inconsistent, fragmented and loosely aligned – creating frustration and unmet expectations for everyone involved.

So, we always start with strategy and then move into action by developing marketing plans, implementing the plan, and driving growth through business development. We don’t believe in templates or cookie cutter marketing programs. We think your business is worth more than a column width of options. Our work is custom, thoughtful, deliberate and sustainable!


Jump Creative is a full-service digital design group, equipped for today's fluid marketing environment. An experienced, award-winning team of designers and brand specialists, with a broad set of creative skills. Our goal is to create targeted design and marketing that builds brand recognition and increased engagement.

Learn More About Us…

Contact Us

Harrisburg Studio

Chad Arentz
(717) 525-2667

Scranton Studio

Matt Beekman
(570) 906-9294

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